random wednesday

I have a few bits and pieces of happenings and photos from the past few days, so here they are, all jumbled up for your enjoyment!

On Saturday, our friends Chris and Cerina were in town! We had them and Mike and Amanda over for some pizza and games. There’s never a dull moment when these guys are together!_MG_8030

Kaya wore this beautiful dress to church on Sunday. It’s a good thing she looks so cute in it, because the glitter just kept falling off those adorable little polka dots and all over her face, my face, my dress, and Michael’s suit!

Someone thinks it’s fun to blow “raspberries” on her pacifier. Goofy kid. I do the same thing all over her cheeks and tummy though, so it was only a matter of time until she started imitating me. (You might want to turn your volume up for this one!)


And look who’s back from her honeymoon! So excited to have Lelia back in town 🙂IMG_20130109_185739