kaya- 2 months

This post is about a week late! We went home for Thanksgiving and couldn’t get a doctor appointment until today, and I just couldn’t post without having all her stats 🙂

Height: 23.75 inches (89th percentile!)
Weight: 10 lbs 14 ounces (41st percentile)
Head Circumference: 15.5 inches (54th percentile)
Clothing size: Most days she’s wearing 0-3 month onesies and pants. She has a couple of Carter’s brand 3-month size outfits and pajamas that fit, but still others are too big. Newborn pants are getting a little too short, and 3-month ones tend to be good in length, but they’re big in the waist on my skinny girl. I think it’s pretty much time to pack away the newborn things, but I’m a little sad that we’re done with them already!
Favorite things: Smiling, telling us stories, her snail toy, staring at lights and colors (like the stained glass windows at church back home!), and getting her diaper changed. She gives us some of the biggest smiles when we’re changing her, and she grins even bigger when we shout “naked baby!”
Dislikes: The carseat, having a stuffy nose, and getting the hiccups.
Sleep: Since she turned 7 weeks old, we started implementing an earlier bedtime. We figured out that she would stay up too late, get overtired because of it, and then have a harder time falling asleep. She now goes to bed between 8 and 9 pm, and will generally sleep until anywhere between 4-5:45 am, when she wants to eat again. I feed her, and she’ll sleep another hour or two. During the day, she’ll usually just take little catnaps, but it does seem like we’re starting to have decently long morning and afternoon naps this past week or so.
Milestones: -Holding up her head for relatively long periods of time
-Cooing and talking to us
-Smiling a LOT
-Recognizing us and responding to our voices. She definitely knows who her mommy and daddy are (and after a week at Michael’s parents’, she remembers her Grandma and Pawpaw too)!
-Standing on her legs and pushing up when we help her!

-Falling asleep at night all on her own! She doesn’t need to be rocked anymore. We put PJs and a new diaper on, fill up her belly, and put her down while she’s still somewhat awake.

When I look back at pictures from the beginning of month two, I can’t even believe how much she’s changed! She’s not a squishy little newborn anymore. While I am a little jaded by how quickly she’s growing up, I am so grateful for a healthy little girl. Every day is a little more fun than the last as she gets stronger and learns more about the world around her.

(Photo from Oct. 24th):

Photo from today:

Kaya’s been discovering all her different body parts and how to use them. Feet are for kicking, fingers are for sucking, hands are for grabbing… and a tongue is for sticking out, of course!

Tummy time is still either screaming/crying time, or she just passively lays there without doing anything. So much for exercise.

We just can’t get enough of her smile- it’s like a magic spell: anyone she grins at instantly falls in love.


She makes each day a little brighter.

I’m so grateful I get to fall more in love with her every day, and that she loves me back, even if I am still trying to figure out this whole “mom thing”.