one week old

I can’t believe little Kaya is already a whole week old! We feel like we’ve been in somewhat of a mental fog since she arrived. Our days are flying by, but our nights are dragging a little- she’s slept well a couple nights, but most of the time she’s up between midnight and about 4:30 am. I guess it’s just going to take time to get her schedule switched.

Her cheeks are definitely getting chubbier (and she now has a double chin)! We love every inch of her. At her newborn checkup (at 5 days old), she had already gained 3 ounces since we left the hospital. She’s in the 38th percentile for weight, the 89th percentile for height, and the 60th percentile for head circumference (14 inches).

I was a little worried that when she finally arrived we would still be calling her “Munchkin”, instead of Kaya, but now she has about a million more nicknames: Princess, Angel, Pipsqueak, Cupcake, Little Sweetie and our favorite, “Baby Bird”. She stretches her neck and opens her mouth so wide, and she keeps her arms folded up like wings (which can make dressing her kind of difficult), so that’s how she got that moniker.

And she makes the best little faces. I love when she raises her eyebrows like this!

She is definitely great at nursing, and I am really loving the one-on-one time I get with her because of it. It’s so nice to take a break from everything and peacefully stroke my baby’s hair and talk to her.

She also really enjoys having her pacifier.

She’s getting more alert every day, and sometimes she even tries to hold up her head! She only has limited success, of course, but she is already so strong. She loves looking at her toys and her daddy.

We love you, Baby Bird!