take me out to the [horse!] games

About week and a half ago I had the opportunity to ride in a "fun" horse show. Now, when I say the word "fun", I actually mean that it was a goofy show full of crazy races and challenges! Of course I rode my favorite boy Rae, and Lelia was my partner for two of the races. In one of them, Rae and I had to race down to the end of the arena, then Lelia had to jump on, and we had to race back.

The other partner race was called "Baby Bottle" and consisted of me trying to feed Lelia Koolaid while she sat behind me. We looked pretty goofy!

We also ran the barrels (yes, in an English saddle!) and did some bobbing-for-apples and a carrot race.

At the end of it all, I ended up riding bareback! The objective was to keep a dollar between your knee and the horse. We got second place! Honestly I was suprised we stayed in the contest so long because I had never ridden bareback before!