Well, happy 2010 everyone! It's amazing to take a moment and contemplate all the wonderful things that have happened during the last year, and especially this last decade.

Our holidays were fantastic (sadly, I don't have any photos for you right now because I'm on a library computer)… On Christmas Eve, we went to Michael's grandparents' house for the huge family get-together. We had food and re-enacted the Nativity story. I was the "star"… so basically, I got to stand in the corner and shine the flashlight. But hey, it's tough work being the star of the show!

That night we went to my family's house where we goofed off a lot, and later opened up our "Christmas jammies". Michael and Karl received matching "Virginia Tech" ones. Now they're practically twins! 

Christmas day was wonderful. It was refreshing to be with my family again, since I haven't seen them since August. On Christmas morning, I was so excited to give my mom the gift I had made for her (a sewn snowlady pilgrim… she collects snowmen). When she opened it, she smiled widely with joy. She was pretty impressed that I sewed it myself… and ironically, she gave me a sewing machine. How lucky! I'm really looking forward to using it and increasing my skills.

We all watched "A Dog Named Christmas" that night. I hadn't yet seen it, and I'd definitely recommend watching it if you're in the mood for something heart-warming.

The next day we went to Michael's parents' home and just relaxed and had fun. The best part was when his Mom helped me sew Michael some pajama pants! It didn't turn out bad for my first try.

Well, the holidays are over now, but that doesn't mean we should stop seeking the special Spirit we feel during this time. Giving and caring for others shouldn't stop when January 1st rolls around. We can have the Spirit with us as we seek to serve and be more like our Savior, Jesus Christ.